Saturday, January 17, 2009


From day one they connected they clicked
They fit into the arms of one another like a magnet to a fridge
In the comfort of each others silence they found no need to speak

Their thoughts were unspoken like an instrumental beat

But yet the simpleness of the touch sent vibrant screams through the body
Trapped in a physical connection they were bound by the notion that vocal communication was unnecessary
Fooled to think that vocal input was filled with complications that they refused to indulge in When apart from one another each other they would miss
The thought of discussing any emotions were immediately dismissed

Hard to get was how it was played

Shy cards were the ones that were dealt
Casual categorized their encounters
And when they met they already knew what to expect
a sleepless night filled with adventure passion and pleasure
The only flaw was the absence of love

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About Me

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SouTh oF NoWhErE, New York CiTy, United States
Born in LA
Raised in the Bronx
and of Honduran ethnicity,
i Am a cultural urban mix of complete randomness,
so much more than what meets the eyes... i have a passion for writing an obsession for music and an undeniable addiction to dancing.
welcome to the 'inner me'.

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